DBS3-60N rebar double bender

Double bending line for rebars up to Ø50mm at 850N/mm²

  • Automatic bending of bars on two bending heads, with one operator
  • Shortest possible minimum size of 105 cm between the bending heads; great freedom in the producible bar shapes
  • Automatically swiveling support arms between the bending heads
  • Optimal clamping of several bars through segmented clamping system
  • Modern control with freely programmable bar shapes, touchscreen, production statistics and graphical interface
  • Great freedom in available bending rollers (bending in positive rotation) and bending hearts (bending in positive and negative rotation)
  • Automatic segment bending to create large radii
  • Available in left and right version for optimal integration into existing production process/factory layout

DBS3-60N bending capacity at 850N/mm²

Bar diameter Ø8 Ø10 Ø12 Ø14 Ø16 Ø20 Ø25 Ø28 Ø32 Ø36 Ø40 Ø50
Max. number of bars per cycle with bending mandrels 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 1
Max. number of bars per cycle with bending hearts 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Infinite bending speed

  • The bending speed is automatically adjusted according to the bar diameter and leg length. The speeds and settings can be adjusted according to customer requirements via parameters.

Bending wing

  • Due to the large bending plate, bending rollers up to Ø400mm can be used without additional accessories. With the optional bending wing bending rollers up to Ø600mm can be used.

Adapter set for small bending rollers

  • Adapter set for application of small bending rollers (Ø44, Ø50 and Ø60mm); especially for bending small diameters.

Auto Preset

  • Automatic adjustment of material guides on the support arms and adjustment of the clamps, when changing reinforcing steel diameter or bending tools.

Single bend

  • Unique Single Bend Module for bending smaller elements in automatic mode.

Bending help

  • Supports long leg bending to ensure operation with only one operator

Safety scanner

  • Safety scanner can be mounted on the stationary bending machine, when the operator comes within reach of the bending plate, the bending speed is automatically adjusted and, if necessary, stopped.